The gutswein Grüner Veltliner Trocken vom Löss is a bit of an odd one out for this region of Europe. It concerns the traditionally Austrian grape that produces distinctly fresh, almost green-fresh wines. When Georg Meier, the current generation, took over the winery, he decided to plant more vineyards with this grape variety, mainly on the loose 'Löss' soils where the roots of the vine have to grow deep to extract all the minerals from the soil and not become lazy from the many hours of sunshine and rainfall. This turned out to be a bull's eye, partly due to the popularity of the grape variety, but especially due to the shining example of Weingut Meier, this wine is very popular! Germany thus appears to be a perfect region for rich Grüners.
Food pairing: This wine make a great pairing to spicy Indian and Asian cuisines and do excellently alongside duck, pork, bacon, shrimp and crab.